Encouragement for today…
We must exchange whispers with God before shouts with the world. 
~ Lysa Terkeurst

Encouragement for Today….

As summer comes to an end and you prepare your kids for a new school year my hope and prayer is that you take some time to prepare your heart. I encourage you to show yourself a little grace. The season you are about to enter will get hectic, chaotic, and your calendar may even get a little jammed packed, but remember it is for a season. So enjoy the moments, and be in the moment. I often remind my boys that we have seasons of rest (which usually is summer break) and we have seasons when we are moving at a faster pace and pushing through fiercely. But as you push through and persevere I want to encourage you to take some time to rest and recharge. Find that one thing you like to do that fuels your soul and brings you a little bit of joy. And who knows you may even find something that you’re really good at.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

I find joy in drawing and watercolor painting and have discovered that it recharges me and fuels my soul.

You can find some of the images I drew on Emily Lex’s page at http://emilylex.com She also has great resources and watercolor books for purchase.

When the summer season arrives I delight in finding slower rhythms. I encourage you to find your own, and as you do I hope you find peace in the things that bring you a little bit of joy.

I’ve been learning the craft of watercolor painting. Emily Lex is a watercolor artist and author. She has great resources for beginners on her page. You can find Emily Lex at http://emilylex.com